by (Contributor), (Contributor), (Contributor), (Illustrator), (Illustrator), (Illustrator), (Illustrator), (Illustrator)
As one Leader falls, another rises! An epic clash between the Hulk, the Leader and the U-Foes is going to end very badly for the gamma-brained villain. Rick Jones' girlfriend Marlo won't fare any better: She dies! But thankfully, that's not the end of her story. As for the Hulk, he's about to get an offer he can't refuse - one that puts him in charge of the Pantheon!
COLLECTING: Incredible Hulk (1968) 397-406, Incre dible Hulk Annual 18-19; material from Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual 2, Silver Surfer Annual 5, Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual 2, Marvel Holiday Special 2 (Incredible Hulk Epic Collection Vol. 19)